How to exploit the potential of Iran's lighting market?

The basic construction is much, the demand of lighting product is big

In the Middle East, the investment in infrastructure construction has become so hot that it has generated huge purchasing power and the demand for lighting products has grown in large Numbers.

Iran, as a key export market for China's lighting products in the Middle East, has been developing its infrastructure in recent years. In the streets of Iran, tall buildings are everywhere, including high-end hotels and large business circles, with a growing demand for lighting products.

Environmental awareness is enhanced and lighting products are facing transformation

As a power, petroleum and natural gas occupy the vast proportion of middle class in Iran, each family has at least one car, resulting in local air quality is poorer, makes the iranians also more and more importance to energy conservation and environmental protection low carbon way of life.

The enhancement of energy conservation and environmental awareness has led to the transformation of Iran's lighting products. At present, the penetration rate of LED lighting in Iranian market is gradually improving, but most of them are energy-saving lamp products. Some of the local shopping business circles and hotel office buildings have already started replacing LED products.

Lighting products are produced less independently and are mainly assembled

It is understood that there are few lighting products in Iran, and they are not in the local production parts. The production mode is mainly from China, Turkey and other countries imported lamp accessories to the local processing factory for assembly. Processing plants are mainly concentrated in the two major cities of mashhad and tabriz.

The lighting market has huge potential

According to customs data, China's exports to Iran LED lighting products in 2015 were us $86.19 million, down 11.4% from the same period in 2014. In 2015, the number of LED lighting products exported to Iran by China was 39.31 million (pieces \ only \ set), a 77.7% increase from the same period in 2014. From the number of exports and the unit price analysis, the total volume of China's export of LED lighting products in Iran in 2015 was reduced, and the market remained to be developed.

China and Iran have deepened cooperation and set up a factory

In an effort to attract foreign investment, Iran's local government is preparing to build a warehouse of lighting products in Tehran for the storage of foreign lighting products. At the same time, the government provides more and more convenient services for foreign investment and is committed to assisting china-iraq enterprises to cooperate in handling and applying for business licenses. With the construction and development of One Belt And One Road, cooperation between China and Iran has been gradually deepened. For China's LED companies, this is a rare opportunity.